Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Monster Spice: Review

As this is only our second post, I would like to notify everyone that while I write these reviews I will be burning spice. That way, you can consider based both on my writing style and the review itself how interested you are in it. Today's review is one that has a fair amount of popularity, and has been around for quite some time...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Welcome to Legal Highs!

So, there I was just the other day thinking to, this new Dragon smoke I picked up is damn good. I wonder if there are any better ones out there? There must be, I thought to myself. Feeling confident and happy, I headed over to my trusty Google friend. You can find everything on Google, right? I thought so too....until I realized there is literally no info on legal highs that can be purchased at head shops, gas stations, and convience stores. Well, there was info all right, a bunch of bull shit news about the whole deal, but where are the reviews? Well, if you had the same problem as me, not able to find reliable reviews before you make a purchase...fear no longer. Welcome to the Blog of Legal Highs, where we will work around the clock to provide you reliable info and reviews on Legal High products. So, sit back, relax, have a nice read, and don't waste your money every again!